Class D TopologyA class-D amplifier or switching amplifier is an electronic amplifier where all power devices (usually MOSFETs) are operated as binary switches. They are either fully on or fully off. Ideally, zero time is spent transitioning between those two states. In this way, power loss is significantly reduced and making a D class amplifier anywhere from 75% to 95% efficient. To maintain high efficiency, the filter is made with purely reactive components (inductors and capacitors), which store the excess energy until it is needed instead of converting some of it into heat. Some other advantages include reduction in size and weight, reduced power waste as heat dissipation and hence smaller (or no) heat sinks, and reduction in cost due to smaller heat sink and compact circuitry.General FeaturesThermal, overload, and speaker short protection soft turn-on circuitRemote turn on / turn off circuit Input voltage sensitivity selector Gold plated RCA low level inputsLED power and protection indicators Black anodized heatsink Nickel plated speaker and power terminalsMOSFET Power SupplyMetal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor is a transistor used for amplifying or switching electronic signals in our computers, our telephones, game consoles, cars, electrical appliances, and in this case, our amplifiers. They are found in systems where information is processed or stored. A MOSFET is basically an electrical switch that allows the flow of electrical current. An electrical switch has two possible states, on or off. This is where the MOSFET performs its most important role in our D Class amplifiers by allowing or preventing the flow of power and creating an efficient amplifier.1 Ohm StableThe PH5000D is a one ohm stable amplifier which is able to continuously power loads of one ohm X one channel without encountering difficulties such as overheating. Almost all car amplifiers are at least four ohm stable and some are two ohm stable. One Ohm stable amplifiers are typically made to power up subwoofers that demand the heavier power load requirements to be able to perform the way they were made to perform. Low Level Inputs With Pre-Amp OutputsView largerLow Level Inputs With Pre-Amp OutputsA low level input is measured in volts. It comes in the form of RCA (low level) outputs on the back of your head unit and goes to the RCA inputs on your amplifier (Right/Left). With that in mind, you can take control of more power by connecting more amplifiers together using the RCA pre-amp outputs (Right/Left) from your primary amplifier straight to the RCA inputs of a second or satellite amplifier (Right/Left).Variable Subsonic FilterView largerVariable Subsonic FilterSubwoofers start to bottom out trying to reproduce low-frequency signals that are below their abilities to sound off. Bottoming out is more a mechanical problem and happens when the subwoofer driver reaches the limit of its excursion and creates a clacking or flapping sound instead of the low frequency entering its voice coils. If your sub is bottoming out, short of changing the driver into one that has better low-frequency handling, you can try the PH5000D which has a subsonic filter to filter out frequencies below its specified low frequency limits.Variable CrossoverView largerVariable CrossoverSubwoofers reproduce sound based low range frequencies. This process is called the crossover effect and occurs because the vast majority of audio systems cannot cover the entire spectrum sufficiently to minimize sound distortion and maintain an appropriate frequency ratio. In the case of our PH5000D amplifier, a variable crossover is offered so that you, the listener, can have the ability to set the frequency at which the crossover occurs, thereby setting precise sound specifications on your subwoofer.Strapping CapableView largerStrapping CapableThis sounds like exactly what you might be thinking. You are able to strap your PH5000D amplifier to another PH5000D amplifier and double the power that is being sent to your subwoofer(s). You now have the ability to connect more subwoofers to take advantage of the extra power.Variable Bass BoostView largerVariable Bass BoostWith the PH5000D amplifier you have Variable Bass Boost, which gives you control of exactly how much bass you want to pump out to your subwoofer(s). Power Input TerminalsWhen installing all Boss Audio Systems amplifiers, it is important to use the maximum gauge of wire of the power terminals will accommodate. For instance, if an amplifier has 4 gauge power and ground terminals, use high quality 4 gauge multi-strand copper wire to make your power connections. This maximizes the amplifier’s ability to draw the required power upon demand. This also helps prevent overheating that could cause failure. Always make sure, your vehicle electrical system is capable of handling the current demands from any after-market accessory.Note: Please refer to the amplifier owner’s manual for correct wire gauge size. The power input terminals on this PH5000D amplifier can accommodate 4 gauge wire.FusesFuses protect both the amplifier and the electrical system of your vehicle from faulty conditions. If you must replace a fuse on the amplifier, always a fuse of exactly the same type and rating of the one you are replacing. A different type of fuse or rating may result in damage or cause a fire. Please refer to your owner’s manual for reference on fuse size and type. Note: This PH5000D amplifier requires 4 x 35A (140A total) fuses.If you plan on using multiple amplifiers in your system, be certain you have the appropriate sized gauge wire to accommodate the current demands for all amplifiers and that the wire is fused correctly at the battery. Connect an empty fuse holder within 18" (45 cm) of the car battery, and run 4 gauge (or heavier) cable from this fuse to the amplifier location. A fused distribution block is recommended when using several amplifiers or accessories.Proper GroundingProper grounding is essential for any electric accessory in a vehicle. Some key points to remember: Keep the ground as short as possible; connect the amplifier’s power ground terminal to the closest point on the chassis of the car. Keep this ground wire to less than 39" (100 cm) in length. Use 4 gauge (or heavier) wire. Scrape any paint away, use a star washer to “bite” into the metal, and secure it tightly using a grounding lug. Any steps that aren’t followed properly will result in a higher resistance at the ground point, causing unnecessary heat, high current draw, and potentially damaging the electrical accessories in the vehicle.Gain/Input SensitivityThe “Gain” or “Input Sensitivity” selectors on an amplifier are not to be mistaken for a volume setting. This setting allows users to match the gain from the source unit. To set these selectors properly, you must “defeat” any processing on your source unit. In other words, make sure Bass, Treble, and Subwoofer levels are set to “0” on your source unit before adjusting the gain or input sensitivity selector on your amplifier.InstallationInstallation by a professional increases the length of any applicable warranty on most Boss Audio Systems products. The warranty is void, however, on product that is damaged during installation by a non-professional installer.
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