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Medieval Clothing and Textiles 18
Saint Simon de Montfort: The Miracles, Laments, Prayers and Hymns (Boydell Medieval Texts, 4)
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The Complete History of the Black Death Paperback – September 24, 2024
Boydell Press Swords of the Viking Age
Rough-shooter's Handbook, The: Written by Guy N. Smith, 1986 Edition, (First Edition) Publisher: The Boydell Press [Hardcover]
Henry Plantagenet: A Biography of Henry II of England: Written by Richard Barber, 2001 Edition, (New Ed) Publisher: Boydell Press [Hardcover]
Wolves and the Wilderness in the Middle Ages: Written by Aleksander Pluskowski, 2006 Edition, Publisher: Boydell Press [Hardcover]
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Bestiary: Being an English Version of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Bodley 764
Forty Books for Forty Years – An Informal History of The Boydell Press
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Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XIV
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Forty Books for Forty Years: An Informal History of The Boydell Press
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English Medieval Misericords: The Margins of Meaning (Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture)
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English Medieval Shrines: 3 (Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture)
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Forty Books for Forty Years: An Informal History of The Boydell Press
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The Art of Anglo–Saxon England: 1 (Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture)
Stone Fidelity: Marriage and Emotion in Medieval Tomb Sculpture: 19 (Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture)
The Marvellous and the Monstrous in the Sculpture of Twelfth-Century Europe (Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture)
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