GALACTIC BRAIN PALO SANTOTribal groups and Shamans use the dried heartwood of the fallen limbs of this Sacred Tree in their healing ceremonies. It is a way to create a sacred space around you or clear negative energy.BEFORE YOU BUYThere is a bit of misunderstanding about Palo Santo and how it's supposed to burn. Every stick will burn, look, and smell differently depending on where in the tree it came from so don't expect consistency.OILS COMING FROM THE WOOD?Highly resinous heartwood may drip "oil" from the wood as you light it. (Think sap inside a tree) When lit on fire it heats the oils inside the wood and releases them and burns off. This creates the fragrance. This is normal.It doesn't mean it's been “dipped in oil”We would never do this!!There is no additive. We import this ourselves directly. These are the natural resins inherent in the wood itself.DARK SMOKE?The other common question is about dark smoke when on fire. Some assume this implies that it was dipped in oil. Not Correct.When you first light the wood it will burn with a black smoke as it is on fire. Once you blow it out you will see the white “cleansing and fragrant” smoke.The heartwood pieces may even look waxy and burn extra dark but are usually the most fragrant.WON’T STAY LIT?Sacred Plants are mostly used for a quick cleansing or ritual and aren’t meant to burn and stay lit for long. You can re-light any time and reuse the stick. To increase smoke time you can - Light 5 sec / Blow Out / Repeat - (3-5 times) to get an ember going, or you can use a feather to fan the ember.Contact us anytime with questions or concerns as we are always available and happy to help!
3 days ago
2 days ago