Product description Bring your fabulous headphones back life with the OMNI ear pads. The OMNI ear pads are made from high quality perforated sheepskin leather and use a specially designed DUAL-LAYER Foam. Outer Dimensions: 4.1" Diameter (10.4 cm), Ear cavity: 2.75” x 2.2” (7 x 5.4 cm), Thick angled side height: 1" (2.5 cm) and Thin Angled Side height: 0.80" (2.0 cm). Whenever you change the materials, angles and dimensions of your ear pads there can be changes to the sound. A natural material like sheepskin (rather than Protein Leather), a different angle of the ear pads, a larger or smaller ear hole can result in small changes to the sound. Ask if you are unsure these pads are right for your listening experience. Legal Disclaimer This is an AHG product only. The product does not contain any trademarks or symbols from the mentioned manufacturers.
3 days ago
2 weeks ago