The product is made with the best materials on the market and is manually assembled in our factory in Italy. Product intended to last over time.Do not trust the imitations of our existing products on the market, since they are of poor quality and easily deteriorate.By purchasing Multisound products, you will have the certainty of having one of the best bird call tools guaranteed by the manufacturer himself.30-TM FEATURES:SPEAKER TYPE: SPEAKER 8 ΩSONG NUMBER: 4 SINGLE KARAWANPOWER: 30+30 watt with INT+EXT loudspeaker unitTIMER: YESEXTERNAL SPEAKER SOCKET:YESEXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY: YESAUTONOMY: 20 hours with a battery 3AhPOWER SUPPLY: External 12 VOLT battery (NOT INCLUDED)DIMENSIONS: (LxWxH) 7 x 7.8 x 7.5 cmWEIGHT: 550 grWe are at your disposal for any questions.Contact us through the platform.Thank you, see you soon!All our products are designed and built here in our factory in Italy.
1 week ago
1 week ago