Product DescriptionThis is 100% hand-painted oil painting on canvas provided by Wieco Art. Our staff of world-class artisans painstakingly reproduces all of our modern canvas paintings by hand, using only the quality oils and canvas. We stand by our top quality and strive to make your favorite wall paintings as accurately as possible. The edges of every painting are painted and the surface is covered with clear plastic film layer to protect the artwork. Canvas wall arts are wrapped and stretched on durable wooden frame with hooks attached on each panel for easy hanging out of box. Redefine your living style with this quality interior decor art work from Wieco Art.From the ManufacturerWieco Art is one of the largest online suppliers for modern canvas wall art, including 100% hand-painted oil paintings on canvas, Photo to Portrait painting, Photo to Canvas print, Canvas prints. Our wall decor and home decor category provides yet affordable canvas art. We stock thousands of magnificent oil paintings and beautiful modern artwork to satisfy all of your fine art needs. Whether you are looking for a Van Gogh reproduction, Abstract paintings, Landscape paintings, floral paintings or High Definition picture print on canvas, you will find it at Wieco Art.
1 month ago
1 week ago