The Best Place for Garbage is the best place to learn about composting with earthworms. Worms can easily turn your organic waste into very valuable fertilizer that you can use to make anything green grow better and stronger. Use it in your garden, on your lawn, on your houseplants, even to make the green in your wallet grow faster by selling worm compost. Whether you are new to this wonderful process or you want to expand your expertise, this comprehensive tutorial has it all. Everything is covered: from indoor and outdoor worm homes, how to feed your worms, what to feed your worms, how to harvest the castings and, most importantly, both how and why to use them. What sets this book apart is not the telling of what to do (though that part is pretty darn good!), but you will also learn why you are doing what you are doing. This makes it easy for you to figure out things on your own once you get going. There are great trouble-shooting tips and tricks to make sure you never fall victim to a smelly worm bin or worse: dead worms. There are actually many myths surrounding what worms can and cannot eat and where and how they can or cannot live. Find out the real truth in The Best Place for Garbage as you learn how these myths came to be and why they really are just urban legends (Yes, worms can eat meat. And citrus. And bananas. No, you do not need to drill holes in your bin. Really!)Told with a very heavy dose of humor and an even bigger helping of common sense, this book is perfect for anyone who gardens, anyone who recycles, anyone who eats. It is currently estimated that over a third of all waste is made up of organic matter that can be recycled. Recycling plastics and such is awesome, but in this case, you can personally make a difference and get something valuable in return. Try that with a water bottle.Also includes a bonus section of ideas for school and college level science projects.
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