With over 430 patient instruction fact sheets and an additional 123 patient instruction sheets online, the new edition of griffiths Instructions for Patients by Stephen W Moore, MD, helps patients understand what their illness is, how it will affect their regular routine, what self care is required, and when to call a doctor consistently formatted and organized by topic for easy use, it provides descriptions of each illness, including frequent signs and symptoms, possible causes, risks, preventive measures, expected outcomes, possible complications, and treatments Newly added topics include chronic Pain Syndrome Dry Eye Syndrome Incontinence, Fecal Inuenza, H1N1 MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Mold Allergy Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Perimenopause Sarcopenia Spinal Stenosis and Stroke, Silent Printable instruction sheets in English and Spanish, 23 separate patient information guides to various types of diets (from "Adult Regular Healthy Diet" to "WeightReduction Diet") areownloadablet expertconsultcom Quickly find what you need with consistently formatted guides organized by topic for easy use Help your patients understand what their illness is, how it will affect their regular routine, what self care is required, and when to call a doctor thanks to over 430 patient education guides (and an additional 123 guides online) reflecting the latest therapeutic information Ensure the best patient encounters and outcomes with downloadable, customizable English and Spanish patient education guides on expertconsultcom Educate your patients about timely topics such as chronic Pain Syndrome Dry Eye Syndrome Incontinence, Fecal Inuenza, H1N1 MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Mold Allergy Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Perimenopause Sarcopenia Spinal Stenosis and Stroke, Silent Improve patient compliance, speed recovery and increase understanding with this fully updated edition
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