Fashion theme Pretty Ladies Kukuba 1 Designer Kukuba in Kukuba. It can be used in kitty party, clubs, events, get-together, family function and various other parties.24 cards in a pack. Its crazy party time for beautiful, elegant and stylish women. If you're looking for something fun and different to do with your friends, how about considering these housie tickets? Throw a memorable party with a theme that works for any type of occasion such as fashion, shopping, kitty party. 1) Caller will call out tambola tokens. 2)Member will cut the number if present in her ticket. 3) To claim prizes player has to call out when a dividend is achieved. Each set has a different callout name – Pretty, Gorgeous and Ladies. When the caller calls out numbers, the participants have to cross out the numbers being called out which are there on their tickets. The first one to cross out all the numbers of any one set or all the sets together has to call out to claim their prize.Different from Classic Tambola in many ways. These are generally colorful cards based on a theme. Instead of lines there is a concept of Groups. Numbers are provided in groups and a group name is given. To claim prizes player has to call out Group Name. Various Prizes/Dividends could be Individual Groups (like 3 lines), Full House, 1 number from each Group, Early 5, Combination of 2 groups e.g. Take Couple Theme. 4 groups would be there with 4 numbers in each group. 4 Groups would be Sweet Couple, Naughty Couple, Romantic Couple, Hot Couple. There are 4 numbers each in each of the groups. Player has to say Sweet Couple to call out for a win when all numbers of group Sweet Couple have been striked out by the player. Combination of Group could be Sweet & Romantic Couple, Hot & Naughty Couple.Ladies, Fashion, Make UpPlease note that size and weight provided is approximate only.
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