Have you had trouble with eyes tired when reading or working on something that requires concentration, it even can result in headaches? EARYA magnifying glass with light and stand can help relieve your eyes and work all day long. Why choose us? -- 5X Magnifying Lens & 8-Diopter, without optical distortion. -- 3 Color Modes, 10 brightness levels, and 72 LED lights, adjust suitable light you need. -- Adjustable arm and glass lens, can reach any place you want. -- Hand-free function that lets your hands focus on your work. -- 4.2-inch glass lens, large vision suitable for sewing, craft, reading, etc. High Clarity Optical Lens This magnifying glass with 5X magnifying lens and 8*diopter, without optical distortion, and offer clear reading. The large 4.2-inch optical lens will give plenty of vision for those intricate tasks. Adjustable Light This magnifier with light and stand offers 3 color modes, white, white & warm, warm. Their color temperature is 5500k, 4000k, 3200K. Each color mode with 10 levels of brightness, so you can adjust suitable light color and brightness to you. Easy Operation Switch Press the Rotation symbol is to switch different color mode. Press Brightness+ and Brightness - to adjust brightness levels. Press the ON/ OFF is to turn on / off the light lamp. Magnifier lamp not only great for a young, teenager but also perfect for the older to operation
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