We spent years designing and perfecting a high-quality mallard floating decoy that would set us apart from the rest of the flock. We started by getting Laurie J. McNeil, a world champion decoy carver, to carve our master copies. She spent many hours detailing them to perfection and coming up with our paint scheme. Once the decoys were carved, we added a new and unique keel design that we are sure you will love! We then d different plastics for durability and paint adhesion. Once we were happy with the look and feel of the mallard floater decoys, we moved on to real-world testing. We submerged, froze, dropped, and threw them in and out of the boat and our Deadly Decoys Floaters consistently outperformed our competitors! Deadly Decoys Mallards will fool even those weary northern birds into locking up and coming into your spread.
4 days ago
1 week ago