Your hen’s eggs are only as good as her diet. Provide extra beta-carotenes and omega-3 fatty acids with Pampered Chicken Mama’s Egg-cellent Yolks chicken egg supplement by just adding to your hen’s existing diet. Just mix Egg-cellent Yolks with your favorite poultry mash, organic chicken feed for laying hens, scratch for chickens, laying pellets for chickens, rooster feed, grit, chicken feed, seed for chickens, mango worms, or duck feed for a great layer boost! This chicken treat for hens is made with organic herbs, sustainably sourced grains, and ground black soldier fly grubs (also known as grubbies for chicken). Also easy to mix with dried mealworms for birds (5lbs boxes). Filled with healthy omega fats, calcium for chickens, this treat also includes giant meal worms and grubs for chicken. Your hens will cluck for joy - and you'll love how golden their yolks are!
1 week ago
1 day ago