Immunity Enhancement: Energizing the intestines, where immune function is centralized - When good bacteria are in short supply, the immune system cannot function adequately. Here, enzymes play an active role in regulating the intestinal environment. Enzymes help digestion and improve metabolism, so they are truly indispensable for the generation and maintenance of vital activities. Skin Care: After adjusting the intestinal environment with enzymes - There are three vitamins essential for skin care: vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. All of these vitamins are metabolized all the time, so they need to be inoculated through food to prevent their deficiency in the body. SATOHANA is rich in necessary vitamins and can be easily supplemented at any time. Diet: Correct knowledge of diet - Enzymes by themselves have no effect on diet. It is important to inoculate the enzymes while following your base diet, which should be a combination of moderate exercise, replacement diets, half-body bathing, etc.
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