Review "Bipolar disorder can be a debilitating illness that affects every aspect of life. Forewarned is forearmed, and this text provides invaluable information for people with bipolar disorder and the people who love them about what to expect from the illness and how to deal with it. The authors are among the most distinguished experts in the field. I strongly recommend this marvelous and totally accessible text." --Steven Hollon, PhD, professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University "This is a very well written, accessible guide for someone recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder, or their friends and family. The key message is one of hope. People with bipolar disorder can find ways to understand and manage their bipolar experiences in ways that allow them to lead full and satisfying lives. This book outlines the key steps to learning how to do this and covers both medication and psychosocial approaches. The book includes case examples to bring the key messages to life, and signposts the reader to many other useful resources for more detailed information. I think this book would be useful for anyone looking for more information on how to best manage bipolar disorder." --Fiona Lobban, PhD, DClinPsy, senior lecturer in clinical psychology at the Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research at Lancaster University, UK "Too often, the field struggles with what appear to be competing demands for a scientific basis versus clinical acumen or presence in the moment with each client. This book brings together evidence, experience, and empathy in an all-too-rare amalgam. I do not have a better word for it than 'wisdom.' Combining proven interventions and recent developments, this book fills a distinct and important role. I recommend it most highly." --Eric Youngstrom, PhD, professor of psychology and psychiatry and acting director at the Center for Excellence in Research and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "One of the most confusing--but ultimately liberating--steps for people with bipolar disorder is getting that initial diagnosis. Often frightening, upsetting, and filled with shame, you don't know what to expect or what to do. Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Caponigro, Lee, Johnson, and Kring fills this gap. This highly readable and accessible guide provides you with basic information on how to recognize the important symptoms of bipolar disorder; the essential role of medication and which psychological treatments can be helpful; and how to cope with family, friends, work, and on-going self-care. I know that this book will be invaluable for those coping and living with bipolar disorder and will give much needed hope and guidance. I strongly recommend this guide for those new to their diagnosis. In many ways, coming to terms with the illness and acquiring effective coping skills are part of that first step toward getting better, and that first step may prove to be the most important one." --Robert L. Leahy, PhD, author of The Worry Cure and Beat the Blues Before They Beat You "This is a very readable and comprehensive book for someone adjusting to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The discussions of the social aspects of the process--for example, who to tell and what to say, or meeting with a therapist and building a treatment team--are particularly helpful. I highly recommend this book as a first step to fitting bipolar disorder into a full and satisfying life." --Greg Murray, professor and head of psychology at the Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Book Description Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed helps readers process their diagnosis, decide who to tell, and discover the treatments and lifestyle changes that can help manage their symptoms. About the Author Janelle M. Caponigro, specializes in the social and emotional functioning of individuals with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. She helped design and lead a sixteen-week bipolar psychoeducation group.
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