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Script and Society: The Social Context of Writing Practices in Late Bronze Age Ugarit (Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems (CREWS))
Women of Canaan: The Status of Women at Ugarit
1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed: Revised and Updated
Religious Texts from Ugarit: 2nd Edition: v.53 (Biblical Seminar) Paperback – 26 Sept. 2002
Basics of Ancient Ugaritic: A Concise Grammar, Workbook, and Lexicon Paperback – November 20, 2012
Ugarit-Forschungen (Volume 42): Jahrbuch Fur Die Altertumskunde Syrien-Palastinas (Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch)
Women of Canaan: The Status of Women at Ugarit
Ugarit: The History and Legacy of the Kingdom of Ugarit in the Ancient Near East
Religious Texts from Ugarit: 2nd Edition (Biblical Seminar)
Ugarit: The History and Legacy of the Kingdom of Ugarit in the Ancient Near East Paperback – 27 June 2020
Ugarit and the Old Testament
Ugarit and the Old Testament
Ugarit-Forschungen (Volume 35): In Memoriam Andre Caquot
The City of Ugarit at Tell Ras Shamra
Ugarit-Forschungen 47 (2016) (Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch)
Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch
Ugarit-Forschungen (Volume 36) Hardcover – 6 December 2005
V2. Illustrated History of the Art Monuments Archaeological Sites Cities Gods and Goddesses of Phoenicia and Ugarit
Ugarit in Retrospect: Fifty Years of Ugarit and Ugaritic
Ugarit and the Old Testament
The Amorite Dynasty of Ugarit: Historical Implications of Linguistic and Archaeological Parallels: 8 (Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant)
Ugarit-Forschungen 48 (2017) Hardcover – 1 April 2019
Ugarit-Forschungen (Volume 36) (Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch)
Ritual and Cult at Ugarit (Writings from the Ancient World) (English, Ugaritic and Ugaritic Edition)
Ugarit: The History and Legacy of the Kingdom of Ugarit in the Ancient Near East
The Royal Deeds of Ugarit: A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Diplomatics: 335 (Alter Orient Und Altes Testament, 335)
Ugarit and the Old Testament
Encyclopedia of Gods and Goddesses of Mesopotamia Phoenicia, Ugarit, Canaan, Carthage, and the Ancient Middle East. V.Ii
Ritual and Cult at Ugarit: 10 (Writings from the Ancient World)
Cults of the Dead in Ancient Israel and Ugarit (Harvard Semitic Monographs)
Encyclopedia of Gods and Goddesses of Mesopotamia Phoenicia, Ugarit, Canaan, Carthage, and the Ancient Middle East. Vol.I
(Mis)interpreting Genesis: How the Creation Museum Misunderstands the Ancient Near Eastern Context of the Bible
An Introduction to Ugaritic
Ugarit-Forschungen (Volume 35): In Memoriam Andre Caquot (Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch) (English, French and German Edition)
Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe
Word-list of the Cunaform Alphabetic Texts from Ugarit, Ras Ibn Hani and Other Places: 12 (Abhandlungen Zur Literatur Alt-syrien-palastinas Und Mesopotamiens)
Stories from Ancient Canaan, Second Edition Paperback – Illustrated, March 15, 2012
Ugarit-forschungen Jahrbuch: 28
Ugarit-forschungen Jahrbuch: 36
Mitos y leyendas de Canaan: Según la tradición de Ugarit (Fuentes de la ciencia bíblica) (Spanish Edition)
The Royal God: Enthronement Festivals in Ancient Israel and Ugarit? (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)
Ugarit and the Old Testament: The Story of a Remarkable Discovery and its Impact on Old Testament Studies
Jack Hunter and the Lost Treasure of Ugarit [ NON-USA FORMAT, PAL, Reg.2 Import - Italy ]
Ugarit-forschungen 2009: Ugarit-Forschungen 41 (2009) (Ugarit-forschungen. Jahrbuch)
Sources for Ugaritic Ritual and Sacrifice: Ugaritic and Ugarit Akkadian Texts
A Hurrian Musical Score from Ugarit: The Discovery of Mesopotamian Music (Sources from the Ancient Near East) (English and Akkadian Edition)
The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts
Exchange Relationships at Ugarit (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplements)
Akkadian of Ugarit (Harvard Semitic Studies)
Women of Canaan: The Status of Women at Ugarit
Ceremonial Speech Patterns in the Medinet Habu War Inscriptions
Histoire politique du royaume d'Ugarit
Literaturkontakte Ugarits: Wurzeln Und Entfaltungen: Internationale Tagung, Munster, 13-15. Oktober 2015
Jack Hunter and the lost treasure of Ugarit / Jack Hunter - Ugarit elveszett kincse
Vom Halys Zum Euphrat: Thomas Beran Zu Ehren. Mit Beitragen Von Freunden Und Schulern
The private archives of Ugarit: A functional analysis
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Phoenicia, Arwad, Ugarit, Amrit, Carthage, Anunnaki
Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch
Cypro-Minoan Inscriptions, Volume 2: The Corpus
The Rise of Yahwism: The Roots of Israelite Monotheism, Second and Revised Edition
Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch
A History of the Ancient Near East, ca. 3000-323 BC (Blackwell History of the Ancient World)
Agypten Und Ugarit - Kulturkontakte Und Die Folgen
The City of Ugarit at Tell Ras Sharma
The World around the Old Testament: The People and Places of the Ancient Near East
Lost Cities : 50 Discoveries in World Archaeology
Stories from Ancient Canaan
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times
The Neo-Babylonian Royal Inscriptions: An Introduction
Wiley-Blackwell A History of the Ancient Near East, ca. 3000–323 BC
Ugarit. La nascita dell'alfabeto
The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. - Third Edition
Egyptian Stories: A British Egyptological Tribute to Alan B. Lloyd on the Occasion of His Retirement
Ein Assyrisches Bildexperiment Nach Agyptischem Vorbild: Schlacht Am Ulai
Organization, Administrative Practices and Written Documentation in Mesopotamia During the Ur III Period (C. 2112-2004 Bc): A Case Study of Puzris-Dagan in the Reign of Amar-Suen
Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch: 29
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times
El Oriente Próximo en la Antigüedad 1: c 3.000-330 a.C.
From Ugarit to Nabataea: Studies in Honor of John F. Healey
Die Siedlungsarchitektur Auf Der Halbinsel Oman Vom 3. Bis Zur Mitte Des 1. Jahrtausends V. Chr.
Garit-Forschungen (Volume 41) 2009: Ugarit-Forschungen 41 (2009)
Sacred Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World: From Aphrodite to Baubo to Cassandra and Beyond
Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch: 28
The Secret and Technique of the Healing Touch
Word-List of the Cunaform Alphabetic Texts from Ugarit, Ras Ibn Hani and Other Places
Gottschiff' Und 'Zikkurratbau' Auf Vorderasiatischen Rollsiegeln Des 3. Jahrtausends V. Chr.
Steine ALS Schutz- Und Heilmittel: Untersuchung Zu Ihrer Verwendung in Der Beschworungskunst Mesopotamiens Im 1. Jt. V. Chr.
Ugaritische Grammatik: Zweite, Stark Uberarbeitete Und Erweiterte Auflage
Orbis Ugariticus: Ausgewahlte Beitrage Zu Fest- Und Gedenkschriften. Anlasslich Des 80. Geburtstages Von Oswald Loretz
Ugarit-Forschungen. Jahrbuch: 31
Ugarit: Ras Shamra (Cities of the Biblical World S.)
Die Keramik Der Fruhbronzezeit in Anatolien Mit Syrischen Affinitaten
A Comparative Lexicon of Ugaritic and Canaanite
An Introduction to Egyptian Aramaic